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Saturday, December 4, 2010


hey.. it's me again (duh). yea, i got back from langkawi a few days ago. it was fun (no kidding). i'm really looking forward to tell ya'll everything bout it but i'm not in the mood right now. you know I've been wondering a lot of stuffs today..

first of all.. i woke up early this morning and went outside to breathe in some fresh morning air. Snowflakes, my aunt's cat, came by and sat near me(oh yea, btw, i slept over at my aunt's house that day). He was looking for his favorite ball. well, it was there yesterday.. anyway, he sat near me and starts meowing....LOUDLY... a few seconds later he continued looking for the ball. I couldn't just sit there doing nothing, so i stood up and helped him to look for the ball. A few moments had pass.. there is still no sign of the ball. I gave up looking for it (hey, it's not my problem anyway) and gave him a purple kangaroo doll. he became interested and started playing around with it. unfortunately, his interest in that doll fade a few moments later. i left that cat alone and walked into the kitchen.
i opened the back door and looked outside. There stood my aunt's bunny, munching on... something.. i don't know what. i took a small pebble and threw it outside (not towards the bunny). the munching bunny stopped munching and looked.. somewhere.. and suddenly.. i thought of something.. hey, what are rabbits thinking anyway? do they think alike like humans? Do they even think?? What about cats? well, it seems like cats do think. i mean, snowflakes was looking around for his favorite ball that he used to play with every single day. Besides that, i do realize that i do not like rabbits that much although they are cute and everything.

Cats are animals but i feel accompanied when they are around. i also talked to them sometimes although i know that they aren't even listening or even understands what am I actually saying. It's feels weird. I do not feel the same when i'm with a bunny rabbit or some gold fishes. people said that cats do understand and feel what their owners feel.. sometimes, i do wish that animals like me (hey, it doesn't mean that they hate me) and i have some special powers to understand what are the animals talking about (you know, powers like Ruka Nogi from Gakuen Alice)anyway, back to the topic, what are bunnies thinking anyway? all they do is munch and hop around, and munch again, and sleep.. talking about bunnies, i realize that bunnies are monocular vision animals. so does it means that they can't see what's in front of them? how does it feels seeing with monocular vision? What do they see? Do animals fart? how bout dogs? lizards? ponies?!! I'm going insane!! i think i should stop wondering just for now.. -__-"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Concrete Angle

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This is a nice song. Listen.
Title: Concrete Angle
By: DjBoonie

Goodbye Form 2...

*sigh* school days of 2010 had just end... how sad.. time flies fast and i didn't realize it. i miss my form 2 teachers.... I was planning to hug them on the last day but everybody seemed so busy that day because we are having a futsal match (my class won :D). I didn't even get to say goodbye to my friends. they are all busy with the futsal match (I'm not interested ). i felt so left out on that day. well, it's not all their fault. it's also my fault because i didn't wanna follow them (but hey, must I follow them around like shadow?) And besides, i would still feel left out even if i followed them because they are hanging out with their friends that i'm not that familiar with...

okay!! i'm quite bored right now. i'm listening to a song called "So Alone" by Anna Blue. it's not because i'm emo or anything today but the song is nice. it really shows the true feelings inside me (not really, but I do feel that sometimes). ok, I ran out of stuff to say now. so, i thin that's it for now. TOOTLES!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


hey, it had been quite a long time since I updated this blog.. sorry. it's just that exam's just so near.. yea, tomorrow's exam and i'm updating my blog right now... Don't worry!! you guys just wait, after the end year exams end, i'm gonna update this blog every single day!! there is just so much things I wanna post. Do you wanna know what? well, i can't tell you now.. Just Wait ( the end year exam's end in November)... TOOTLES!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Can't Focus!!!

Exam's near!!! can't focus!!!! They are alwayz in my head!!! GET OUT!!! OUT!!! I SAY OUT!!! Come back when I'm done with my exams!! PLEASE!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

sejarah exam

well as you can see, I am not that hardworking and I hate memorising stuffs especially sejarah!!! so, the only way for me to score in sejarah is by knowing the story. and the way to remember it is by reading and then, rewrite the whole story back in comic stlye. I love to draw comics!! By changing the characters like humans to animals. For example: Tanah Melayu- ants, Burma- elephants and so on... hope this way can get me to score in my sejarah exam!!! Wish me Luck!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So, this me starting my first blog..

Some people think I am very nice, cute and polite but what I really wanna be is just like my idol, Emily the Strange. She is so beautiful!!! I can't understand why some people say that she is ugly...

i'm watching ya'll ;)