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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

when dreams are crushed into a million pieces...

So really really like performing arts and i really really wanna be involved in voice acting. There's this academy which offered a three day voice acting workshop and maaaan.. was i very excited. it is like, as if my dream is coming to me slowly, asking me to catch it and never let it go. 

but i spoke to soon.. one of my family member is SUUUUPER against performing arts. i mean, come on, i can rebel a little and just go all "IT'S MY DREAM. I SHALL STIR MY OWN LIFE" but that is not happening since i am quite a timid little girl and also have a soft heart.

Now, i shall sink in my shattered dreams... while eating oranges.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What if you are still single because a spirit is keeping you away from everyone?

so there i was.. scrolling through my facebook feeds, and suddenly, i saw this post VV

and i first, i was like, 
"OMG that would be so cool. THAT IS SO SWEET OMG"

then i thought again.. in reality ghosts and spirits don't usually look like Jack Frost or something.

"oh GOSH. that's creepy.."

Let's just stick to fantasy world..

so here, I drew a picture of how i imagined the couple would be 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Miss Kat goes for holiday: Legoland, Johor (legoland hotel)

During December break, Miss Kat went for a holiday in Johor, Malaysia. What's currently cool in Johor? well.. last year, they've opened the Legoland themepark and this year the Legoland hotel is now open too ^_^

Here is what the hotel looks from the outside. Cute, huh?

And wait till you see what the lobby looks like!

and that was the front part... too young to play with little blocks of lego? NO WORRIES. there is also the Duplo Lego section :D

oookay then. mooving on. in this hotel, there are themed rooms and they are arranged according to floors.

aaaandd... i got the pirate themed room while my cousin got the adventure themed room

here is the hallway

 the hall is decorated with cute lego pictures with frames that are made out of lego (well.. duh..)

and this is what the hallway looks like when we entered the "Pirates' Zone"

look at the doors to each room

Here's what our room looks like ^_^

This is the master bedroom

And this is the kid's room

Look! TV! haha ^_^

Still feeling bored? No worries! they even provide a box of lagos for the kids to play with! 
(you can't take it back home though)

Look at this little monkey, guarding the locked chest. I wonder.. what's inside?

How can we get the passcode number to open the lock? well.. they gave us a piece of paper that contains several hints and questions. the answers are hidden in the room itself.

my little brother and cousins managed to solve them and these are the gifts inside the chest

So I decided to give them a thank you note (and also promoted my blog. ehehe)

Thank you for guarding the chest, monkey! Make sure they get my message, okay? 

Moooving on! This is what my Cousin's room looks like (adventure themed room)

Kid's room

 Master Bedroom

Other cool features that are available in this hotel:
o Restaurant
o Disco Elevator
o Lego Merchandise shop
o Lego decorations EVERYWHERE!

(too bad i didn't take pictures of them)

SO YEAH. That's it for now ^_^
Hope y'all had a wonderful holiday! 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Cold Never Bother Me Anyway


but Punzie is still my fave because Elsa is so difficult to draw O^O

I am sorry Elsa O^O It's my fault.

Friday, July 12, 2013

What pokemon am I?

oh my GOSH! i love these things! I wonder what type of pokemon i am

I am a.......

Thursday, July 11, 2013

carnival project (part 2)

Remember about the carnival i told you about? yeah, these are the remaining card designs i've made and sold on that day ^_^

First, we have Sakura Haruno 

then, we have dinosaurs :3

then some violent (yandere) characters. no offence to twilight sparkle lovers. i did not make this on purpose. it was a custom order from someone.

then...we have vocaloids :D

throughout that one whole carnival day, i managed to sell ALL of my cards. well.. i had to beg them to buy my cards in the end to finish them all. eheheheheh :P

i'm watching ya'll ;)